Every six-ish weeks in France, there is a two-week break for students and teachers. It's similar to the "track system" in USA public schools, but practically what it means for me is that I have two weeks off to go on an adventure. This particular break (10/25-11/6) is called “Vacances de la Toussaint” — or, “all saints vacation.” I’m so excited to connect with two other TAPIF assistants I’m going with, we’ve definitely got a full schedule of adventures coming up. Keep your eyes peeled for some beautiful Norway pictures and a full city-trip recap, packing list, planning process, etc.
Bullet point itinerary:
10/25 - 28: Fly CDG to CPH (Copenhagen, Denmark) for three days in the Danish capital.
10/29 - 31: Fly CPH - OSL for a couple days in the Norway before heading 4 more hours north for the “North Pole.”
11/1 - 4: Four days in Svalbard, Norway to experience the beginnings of Polar Night in the Arctic Circle and hopefully see some of the Northern Lights.
11/4 - 6: Back to Oslo for two days before heading back to Paris.
À plus,