When I consider the progression of my studies so far, I am thankful for the freedom to develop and pursue interests in a variety of areas: language codification, second language acquisition, medieval history of France, the Protestant Reformation and religious history, Covid-19 and ELLs, translations, agriculture, course development, and more. Here are some examples of research that I have assisted with, conducted, and hope to pursue in the future.

MA French Thesis
Corresponding with Calvin... outlines John Calvin's connection with three French queens in the 1500s and the impact their relationships and writings had on the Renaissance, the development of European literacy, and the Protestant Reformation in France. Completed May 2021.
MA TESOL Culminating Project
This course was designed as the culminating project for the MA in TESOL (NC State University). This course can be for any age and is best suited for A2-B2 learners with plenty of room for differentiation and topic adjustment. Assessment styles include formative, summative, and portfolio-based projects. Completed May 2022. Coming soon to this site.

IATEFL 2023: Spelling and Pronunciation Innovation in ESL
This research developed out of a MA TESOL final paper (2022). Following 8 months of teaching ESL in French elementary schools with plenty of data collection opportunities, updated findings were presented at IATEFL's 56th International Conference and Exhibition in Harrogate, England.
TESOL France 2022: "Meaning First, Then Spelling" for Francophone ELLs

Developed from a MA TESOL final paper on the connections between spelling, phonetics, and long-term lexical development in Francophone ELLs, this presentation outlined misconceptions of English, their impact on the ELL, how to avoid resulting barriers to learning, and how to equip learners to progress beyond the classroom. Presented at the TESOL France 46th Annual Colloquium in Paris, France.

How Covid-19 Affected ELLs
This project came together with a fellow MA TESOL student as we researched how Covid-19 impacted ELLs in the USA. Results found that ELLs faced challenges ranging from a lack of internet connection to scaffolded instruction, and many more. Suggestions for remedial efforts are included. Completed May 2022.
Code-switching in French Rap
This paper and presentation outline observations and correlations between non-native French speaker rap artists and cultural tensions between people groups, political affiliations, and generations, viewed through a linguistic lens. Completed May 2021

I transcribed and translated oral interviews collected over the past 20 years by Dr. Seth Murray and his team. Interviews with French farmers in Burgundy on ecological change in the region gave us data on ecology, social economies, document preservation, which was disseminated via interinstitutional GIS programming and international presentation.

Have you ever found yourself questioning the reliability of auto-translated subtitles on YouTube or another media site? In 2019, I completed this translation project as part of a translation course taught by Dr. Valerie Wust. Dr. Wust's expertise further helped to develop my skill and appreciation for translation and a love for the procedural art of streamlining communication to the most authentic degree possible, no matter the medium.